Confessions of an eBay Seller

Where to start? Back in January of 2021 I was cleaning my attic and saw all the [worthless] collectibles I have been lugging around for 40+ years and thought I would give eBay selling a try. First I sold my 2016 ND Mazda Miata Launch Edition and then lots more things. Then that grew into acquiring inventory with the thought of having more listings will create a steady revenue stream, which partially was true. My picking improved over time and now that I have seasoned reasonably well and can pick with the best of them, the shine has gone and there is a new shiny object in front of me (Custom Picture Framing). I’m not leaving eBay as I am slowing down and just being more discriminating in what I sell. Over the last 2.5 years, the best thing that has happened has been all the awesome people we have met along the way…Betty & Robert, Stan & LeaAnne, John with JMS, Kim with Grannies Panties, Wayne (I guess there are a few Wayne’s, so take your pick which one I mean), Jeff & ...