Confessions of an eBay Seller

Where to start?

Back in January of 2021 I was cleaning my attic and saw all the [worthless] collectibles I have been lugging around for 40+ years and thought I would give eBay selling a try. First I sold my 2016 ND Mazda Miata Launch Edition and then lots more things. Then that grew into acquiring inventory with the thought of having more listings will create a steady revenue stream, which partially was true. My picking improved over time and now that I have seasoned reasonably well and can pick with the best of them, the shine has gone and there is a new shiny object in front of me (Custom Picture Framing). 

I’m not leaving eBay as I am slowing down and just being more discriminating in what I sell. Over the last 2.5 years, the best thing that has happened has been all the awesome people we have met along the way…Betty & Robert, Stan & LeaAnne, John with JMS, Kim with Grannies Panties, Wayne (I guess there are a few Wayne’s, so take your pick which one I mean), Jeff & Lori, Heather & Family, Stephanie & Dean, and the list goes on and on. These are people that make no attempts to be something they are not, they just are what they are…good people.

I have made tons of mistakes along the way…but…they were MY mistakes and no boss looking down my neck…I could just learn from them and move on.  OK….Zabrina will always remind me of the mistakes, many of which have been chronicled on this blog…but she is allowed to!

eBay is an interesting phenomenon and platform and if I had gotten into this 20 years ago, I probably would be an eBay poster child of success clearing net profits well in excess of six-figures. At this stage of my life though, I am ambitious in only one regard and that is whatever I do, I have to enjoy every aspect of it.  While eBay is fun, the main thing which is no fun for me is the listing process. I enjoy the hunting, the packing & shipping, and even the customer service part of it. Returns don’t bother me, I know that I have made every attempt to be transparent in what I sell. I try to be an example of integrity in everything I do. I would say [with pride], my operations on the customer service, inventory management, packing and shipping is close to the best of the sellers.

Somewhere along the way, I started getting into art and pictures, then framing, and finally feel as though this is where I want to alter the course. Something about custom picture framing…it’s just me, producing a product with my hands and giving it to someone that will present that object in their home or business with pride…$&it…I did that! I’m still learning but one constant is that the learning keeps my brain active and goal oriented, whether it be by book or by mistakes. I have a goal, I am learning, I am happy,….I can live with that.

Look, if your interested in getting into eBay…do it, it’s low risk, fun, and see how it goes. Yeah, eBay takes fees (low in comparison to Amazon btw)…but that’s where customers flock to for certain market categories…just find something your actually interested in and don’t just chase the dollar….be honest, set an example to other sellers, and do the right thing.



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