For Sale (listed on eBay in the SecondMoonshot store) In January, I won an auction (offered by “adomala” aka Josh) for a hard to find Weaver Gallery Blown Away Poster by Steve Steigman, featuring a Porsche 911 G-Body Targa - Probably early ‘80s model as poster is from 1985. Since I have one (although an early model ‘76 Targa and in platinum metallic or gold…but the emotion is there) - pictured below at the Porsche dealership after some work was done. I have been looking for one for a long time and this one was in great condition. I paid a pretty penny for it but it was worth every bit of it. Josh did a phenomenal job in answering my flurry of questions and did what I think was the most comprehensive packing and shipping job I have seen (and learned from, double-tubed, insured, waterproofed, signature required, and then some). I had a vision of how I would frame this, very similar to how I did a similar Steigman poster (guy in chair classic one) with 2 cutouts on the mat boa...
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