Day Trip - Last Minute Day Trip to Surf City, NC

Friday evenings are usually booked for the OMT 6pm auction, but Zabrina and I wanted to do something, so a drive and a hike or new small town tour are always great candidates. Looking for a state park within a few hours didn’t turn up anything that sparked our interest, so decided on a small beach town where a friend of ours moved to last year…Surf City, NC.

We tend to like smaller towns and cities, and this place was great, walkable, excellent beach vibe, less than average tourism domination (but still plenty) and a good locals spots and trendy spots to eat. We walked the beach when we got there for an hour as the tide was coming in, and true to the name, plenty of surfers. Wind was blustery to say the least and my beard felt like a sail. Great beach. 

When we headed back to the car, we were a little disappointed there was no place to wash off. We later found the central strand beach access had decent bathrooms and two showers outside which we took advantage of. Parking was not too bad considering it’s high season and cost $5 per hour or $25 per day (free for residents). Our recommended spot to eat was Shaka Taco, but the line was a mile long on a Friday at 6pm…so walked around and found a small outdoor cafe which would do. Not great, but had some live music which turned it into a positive experience overall. Food…Meh…Beer…Yeah!

As for the auction, before we left the house, I went ahead and but in 3 absentee bids which all won. Nice.

Relaxed, will sleep well, and nice to spend quality time with Zabrina. Hint: I am the cute one and Zabrina is the one fashioning the new hair cut (the Asian chick on the left) wearing those massive cat eye sunglasses. Is it me or does her head look oversized, she’s a little self-conscious about it so usually tries to stand behind me in selfies…now I see why and will do my best to always be in front.



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