eBay Sales Projections - The Flaw in my Thinking

When I started this whole endeavor, I tried to apply simple math in the projections. If I was selling $3000/month with 1000 listings, that if I double my listings to 2000 with quality products, then my sales would double to $6000 (fake numbers, but you get the point).

My flaw I have realized is (I think) that the good quality items will normally sell faster given a competitive price and the weaker items will hang around for longer (often much longer) and will slowly trickle through sales. 

So, even through I have double my listings, the good items are selling faster I am only seeing small % increments in sales as a result. This makes me things that I will soon if not already, be the bottle neck based on how much I can acquire and list quality desirable items. I knew that this would come eventually, but now I am thinking that I am going to hit this wall sooner than later. 

I need to think about this a more and revise my projections and strategy.



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