Estate Sale Picks - Lloyd’s Estate Sales, Oxford NC

 I originally had some travel planned today but that fell through and ended up finding one of those infrequent Thursday estate sales by a company I haven’t been to before in Oxford, NC…Lloyd’s Estate Sales. It was to start at 9a, so I got there at 8a and noone was there, I wasn’t even sure if maybe there was an error or it was cancelled. Decided to make a run to an ATM (which apparently, Wells Fargo does not recognize Oxford). When I returned, there was a small line of 5 or 6 people and I got to the end. The owners didnt show up until 8:45a, not something that I see that often, most recognize the value of a list and then once your on the list, you can go get a bite to eat, restroom, etc….anyway, probably an opportunity for them in that regard or they just dont like the concept of a list…its their company, so who am I to dictate. 

The other customers were all relatively docile, courteous and no major jockeying for position, a good casual estate sale, the kind I like. There wasn’t a ton of stuff there, but I picked up a few item like some milk glass pieces in original box and 2 vintage cameras in original box. Prices were ok on some, high on other things that I ended up passing on. 

Did decide to go with a nice set of Noritake Crestmont #6013 china which I thought was at a fair price. I will just list these as replacements, as I am doing some focus on this area. It’s a nice simple classic pattern I suspect will do well. When checking out, I told the lady that I would pay cash for part and just put remainder on credit card…that seemed to confuse her, so she handed me a post it with a number on it. I asked her “What is this for? An IOU or something?”…ok, I didn’t say the IOU part, but thought it. I was to take this piece of paper to Andy to run the transaction. Lightly staffed overall, but they were good people, you can tell. I like that I didn’t have to wait up at 5a and get there super early and its more casual. On top of that, its far enough out of Raleigh that not many will make the trip 30 to 50 miles to go to estate sales in this area.

That’s it for now. 



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