Estate Sale Picks - JMS Estate Sales and Carolina Estate Sales
Decided to go to a couple sales this weekend and ended up starting at a first day sale with Carolina Estate Sales and a second day 2 house sale with JMS Estate Sales. Both a positive overall experience.
Carolina Estate Sales
This sale was in the North Raleigh area and less than 10 miles from the house. Mostly mid-upper end stuff and we didn’t make any huge effort to get there too early, opting to stop in 1 hour before, get our number, and go check out a few garage sales in the area (which didn’t yield much). This sale was the type I tend to enjoy the most because the people (Staff and customers) were all super nice, prices were reasonable as much as could be expected for a 1st day sale and we ended up with some decent picks. This was the first time we did one of the Carolina Estate Sales and were very pleased overall. A solid professional crew.
JSM Estate Sales
This sale with JMS was a combination of a tag sale and a picker sale. I decided not to go there on the first day as it was a very large sale with 2 houses and 2 out-buildings; just tons of stuff (although didn’t know it at the time). We found more than our share of sellable item here and while there was probably better stuff on the first day, not messing with the crowd and competition made this a more fun and relaxing opportunity. John as always was very fair on the pricing (the more you buy, the more he will discount) and we ended up with quite a bit of sellable content. We will head back tomorrow to see if we can get a few other things we had our eyes on. Here are some pics of our picks…
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