Estate Sale Picks - Everything but Grannies Panties, Steve Minor Estate Sales, Baby Boomers (Chelsea Antiques)

Friday is usually the day I will go to some estate sales alone as the spouse is working, they are usually pretty well attended. 

Steve Minor Estate Sale, Eclectic Goods

I started off the morning going to a Steve Minor estate sale in Raleigh area. Decided to get there nice an early for a number, arriving at 5:50a for an 8a start…I was still #15. It was a good sale, probably classified as average or slightly better. The other buyers were well behaved although normal scurrying around commenced as normal, prices were reasonable. They had tons of fabric selling by the trash bag load @ $5…I did not buy any. I ended up with a reasonably good lot of listings. The wooden cat was very cute and the 2 pigs sleeping under up getting taken by our daughter. A nice boxed Japanese stacking warmer set which should do nicely. Couple other smaller impulse item. 

Everything but Grannies Panties, Vintage/Antique Books, Posters

This one was to start at 5pm. Kim will do these Friday evening sales and do very good. They had an older Louis Vuitton trunk which apparently was a pretty sought after item. I was there at 12:30p to get a number, and was still #5. Oh well, I went home and picked up Zabrina and we headed back for the sale. Kim is awesome and she is very fair as always. This sale was stress filled and the other buyers just…well, some were not happy people to begin with. There were some nice people we met and talked to, and some that were very grumpy. Decided it just isn’t worth it to get out and get numbers that far in advance, but better to have a life, I just didn't enjoy this sale.

The house was in Hope Valley Farms area, an older well-to-do golf community. The item for sale were well maintained and were able to get some good listable items, many to help revise my average listing price further Some great vintage and antique book sets were found and you will find them listed this week. Some good movie posters for Lego Batman, Moana (which I will keep), and Batman vs Superman. Some other items like a brass doorstop with handle, 4-volume set of Cassell’s Dictionary of Practical Gardening (c1910).

Baby Boomer, Chelsea Antiques 

A few weeks back we did a Baby Boomer sale, which was for Chelsea Antiques, a high end antique store where they were selling off thousands of books, French items, and really nice stuff. This was Saturday morning and Zabrina joined me. We decided to go at the last minute as we knew they would have some great quality items and further help get me some new inventory. Books were down to a small price per book so were able to bet a few good sets and some new French merchandise. We will be listing this stuff in the coming days week. Just like last time, this was such a great overall experience. The BB team were so nice (I need go get their names next time) and it was just a joy to be there, no pressure, no one trying to get in front and grab items, just good people all around. They are supposed to have another non-Chelsea sale in next week or two and planning to put it on my priority list and see if the vibe continues. I love working with good people - they continue to hit the mark and exceed expectations. 

Wrap Up

These 3 sales helped refresh some of my listings as I wasn’t able to get any listings last week as I was out of town. I don’t spend much time looking things up and find I am better to get items that are in good and better condition, just look interesting, something we would buy ourselves - it tends to work out pretty well. The time I save more than pays for the duds I might get and will use those to fuel a neighborhood yard sale next month.

Update on the Cowboy boots: The Red Stingray Stallion boots have sold, probably underpriced them, but wasn’t greedy and sounds like the buyer really likes them. The Lucchese boots I ended up selling with the defect and basically gave them an incredible deal. Stallion Python boots just sold to same buyer of the Stingray boots....great buyer and appreciate his business. I like boots!

The sales have really been doing well and focus is keeping good listings and keep sales flow consistent and increasing. I don’t try to move things too quickly for the most part, but do like to offer a good deal to the buyer when I can. It makes their day and it makes mine.



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